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Normally, the 6-deck and 8-deck shoes are dealt face up. Most crapjack 6:5 games (DD & SD) are dealt face up, along with most Super Fun 21 games. The good 3:2 DD and SD games are dealt face down, one hand to pick up the cards.
- So to summarize, 2 hands at 0 and -1 heads up is the optimal move over 1 hand at 0 and -1 IF the minimums are low and your spread is high. In regards to playing with others, playing with 1 hand at 0 and -1 is the optimal move unless you spread huge where then even 2 hands at negatives when playing with others will outperform on N0.
- If playing heads up my percentage should go up to 50%. Then if I played heads up while playing two hands my chance of getting a black jack should go up to 66.6%. The other way I was thinking about it was that the dealer should have a much smaller chance at black jacks with a full table which should benefit me.
As far as blackjacks go, which would you prefer get them: another player or the dealer?
Then every other one on the table rolls the dices.
Is your chance of having a blackjack increased or reduced by the presence of the other people ? NO.
Blackjack Heads Up Strategy
I’m pretty sure that I’ve read some place that it doesn’t make any difference if you play alone or with multiple people. However, when playing alone with the dealer, wouldn’t I stand a better chance of getting more black jacks and thus making more money? If I were playing with two other people plus the dealer my chance of a black jack should be 25%? If playing heads up my percentage should go up to 50%. Then if I played heads up while playing two hands my chance of getting a black jack should go up to 66.6%. The other way I was thinking about it was that the dealer should have a much smaller chance at black jacks with a full table which should benefit me. Are either of those thoughts correct?
the odds of getting a blackjack are not affected by the number of players at the table. You still get two randomly shuffled cards from the deck whether the other cards go to other players or remain in the shoe.If you're sitting with 4 people, then you'll get one, the other people also get one each, and the dealer gets one.
If you're sitting alone, then you and the dealer will each get three.
In both scenarios, you and the dealer got the same number of BJs, just more of them when sitting alone, so it doesn't matter.
Poker Heads Up Tournament
Betting two hands doesn't help. In that case, you'll get four BJs, and the dealer will get two. But each of those two will beat both of your hands, so it's still the same: four wins and four losses.
Poker Heads Up Odds
Let's say there are 6 BJs in the shoe waiting to be dealt
you know of course why that won't happen for the same shoe dealt out to 4 players and dealer vs. 1 player and a dealer. The cards will come out in a different combination of hands. But otherwise the analogy is sound.The first is that I get to play for longer on my bankroll and I am playing to break even after a nice steak dinner and a few drinks and not to actually make any money. I just want to play, have fun, and have a good night out and meet people and not have to pay for it.
The second is a social aspect. The more people there are at the table, the more people I can interact with.
Thirdly, if it is a full table I get a bit longer to decide what I should do according to the basic strategy as I am a beginner. If a few people have their go before me then I have a longer time to make a decision.
Fourthly, if I am counting aces and fives, I have a longer time to do so at a full table sitting at the end. It helps because I am just starting out with blackjack and I like to have a bit more time to consider things.
Fifthly, the more people at the table and the more people I interact with, the less suspicious card counting is. Obviously, since I am not very good at blackjack yet, counting aces and fives isn't that suspicious. Talking to people makes it easier to conceal. Often I will have a jim beam in my hand (and have it for a while taking tiny tips out of the bottle) and act a little drunk so when someone gets like double 5s I congratulate them on a fantastic hand (making it also easier for me to calculate when I verbally announce double fives). Because unsolicited congrats are socially acceptable in Australia, no one pays any mind to the fact.
Alone its 210 hands per minute. At a full table is 60 to 70 hands per minute.
Pretty sure that would be a record...